Railway Recruitment Board has uploaded the admit card for ticket examiner and junior clerk examination 2015. This Indian Railway Exam will be conducted on the basis of RRB CEN 02/2015 recruitment notice for Persons with Disabilities (PWD). Thousands of physically handicapped aspirants to take part in this test from 19th to 29th November, 2015 on national level. Exam was previously expected to take place in October month but was postponed by the board.
Recruitment details: Candidates can take the RRB mock test to under stand the pattern of examination. The notification for the special recruitment of 651 Jr clerk, Accounts Clerk cum Typist, Trains Clerk, Commercial Clerk & Ticket Examiner posts only for PWD candidates was issued in August month. Now the department is going to organize online examination for the eligible applicants.
Selection Process: After this online test, skill test will be conducted to check the typing speed of candidates. In last, medical checkup & document verification to take place to ensure the selection of deserving ones. Candidates equal to the number of vacancies i.e 651 will be called for the interview. Around 30% candidates will be kept for the waiting list.
Exam Pattern: This RRB TE, Clerk Exam will be conducted on computers in online mode. Having multiple choice questions, the RRB paper will be available in Hindi, Urdu, English and other local languages. Questions from General Awareness, Arithmetic, General Science, General Intelligence and reasoning subjects will be available in the exam.
In this online railway test, there is negative marking system involved and 1/3rd mark for each wrong entry will be deducted. Total 100 questions will be available in the exam which need to be answered in maximum allowed time of 90 minutes. Railway CEN 02/2015 Admit Card are available for the exam to be conducted in November month.
Download RRB PWD Admit Card for Clerk, Ticket Examine Online Exam November 2015
In the official instructions PDF, Railway Recruitment Board has requested the candidates to download the RRB PWD Online Exam Hall Ticket 2015 only when they receive the notification via SMS or Email. RRB Online Exam Admit Card for this Special Recruitment Drive for Persons with Disabilities must be downloaded from official RRB portal only.
- Login here to get your RRB Ticket Examiner, Clerk exam hall ticket for online computer based test.
- Enter your registration number along with the date of birth of applicant.
- Finally enter the security code / text shown in image there and press the “submit” button to download your call letter.
Official Website for this Railway Recruitment updates: http://rrbappreg.net