Admit Card for Indian Forest Service Main Examination (IFS) have been issued by Union Public Service Commission (UPSC). IFS (Main) Examination, 2015 will be taking place on 21st November to 2nd December, 2015. Total 110 vacancies will be filled up with qualifiers of this recruitment test. This UPSC Written test is conducted for 1400 marks and later interview is commenced for qualifiers of written exam.
Interview is conducted for 300 marks. Registrations for Indian Forest Service (Main) Examination were accepted by UPSC during May 2015. As per wikipedia, Indian Forest Service (भारतीय वन सेवा) is part of Indian Civil Services and it came into existence in 1966 under implementation of the All India Services Act 1951. It used to be called “Imperial Forest Service” during British period in the country.
Download UPSC IFS Main 2015 Admit Card : ifs
If you get error “Server is too busy right now. Kindly try after some time” then simply do what it says i.e wait for some time and re-open the web link to download your e-summon call letter for UPSC main exam. Don’t forget to go through the “Important Instructions” at admit card downloading page.
Some major instructions to UPSC IFS exam candidates
- Report at test venue, 20 minutes before examination.
- Candidate’s entry after 10 minutes of exam timing, will be rejected.
- Scientific (Non-Programmable type) Calculators are allowed in exam. Don’t bring any communication device at exam centre.
- If photo on IFS call letter is not clear then you’re strongly advised to bring two recent photographs along with one original government identity document.
Detailed instructions can be read at the admit card page mentioned above.
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