Posts by tag: india

What are the common everyday struggles of life in India?
Aug, 1 2023 Aarav Chatterjee

What are the common everyday struggles of life in India?

Living in India, everyday life can feel like a spicy curry of challenges, trust me! First off, traffic here deserves an Oscar for its chaos, turning every commute into an adventurous quest. Then there's the constant wrestling match with the weather, which switches from scorching summer to monsoon madness faster than you can say 'chai'. Oh, and did I mention the internet speeds? They're like a lazy elephant, taking its sweet time to get anywhere. But hey, amidst all these everyday struggles, we Indians find our joy and resilience, turning every obstacle into an opportunity for a good story!

Why is there no quality of life in India?
Jul, 25 2023 Aarav Chatterjee

Why is there no quality of life in India?

While it's not entirely accurate to say there's no quality of life in India, it's undeniable that the country faces significant challenges. Widespread poverty, inadequate healthcare infrastructure, and educational disparity are some key issues impacting quality of life. Pollution, especially in urban areas, further contributes to health problems. Besides, corruption and bureaucratic inefficiencies often hinder social progress. However, it's important to remember that India is a vast and diverse country, with many working tirelessly to improve these conditions.

What is daily life in India like today?
Feb, 15 2023 Aarav Chatterjee

What is daily life in India like today?

Daily life in India today is a vibrant mix of traditional and modern culture. Despite its vast population, India is home to a variety of lifestyles. People of different religions, castes, and financial statuses all live together harmoniously. The Indian economy is growing rapidly, resulting in increased job opportunities and improved quality of life. Urban areas have access to modern amenities and infrastructure, while rural areas still rely on traditional farming and fishing. India is a diverse country where people from different backgrounds come together to create a unique culture.

What is it like as an Indian living in Sweden?
Feb, 8 2023 Aarav Chatterjee

What is it like as an Indian living in Sweden?

India and Sweden are two vastly different countries, with different cultures and ways of life. Indians living in Sweden often face challenges such as language barriers, cultural differences and prejudice. Despite this, many Indians in Sweden feel at home and enjoy the quality of life, generous welfare system, and excellent job opportunities. The Indian diaspora in Sweden is very diverse, and many Indians have found success in the Swedish job market. Overall, life in Sweden for Indians can be rewarding and enjoyable, provided they are willing to adapt to the culture and make an effort to learn the language.



Is it easy to change the Place of Birth in my Indian Passport?

What are the best Indian snacks I can bring back to the U.S.?

What documents are considered proof of Indian citizenship?

Should we have a Supreme Court Bench in South India?

Is the new Redmi K50 Pro Plus worth considering?